Excerpt from Annual Report

I made this checklist based off of student comments. It’s ways for me to measure my own practice without Danielson, without the 120 page .pdf rubric the SDP supplies.

Appendix three: Alternative Teacher Evaluation Questions 

  • When the class period ends, how many kids linger behind to talk to the teacher about the work? How many kids are checking in?  How badly do I have to go to the bathroom because I lost my five-minute window again?  
  • When the class ends, do the students burst to life?  Or are they sad to depart?  
  • Do parents report that their students are talking about the class at home?  I had eleven parents say this in the Q2 conferences. That’s a success.    
  • Can students easily remember the projects they did in the previous quarters? 
  • When kids come to talk to you, are they coming to talk to you about the substance of the class and/or any of the great questions that you’re trying to raise? Are they talking about  the things that they want to understand, or the things they want to correct?  Or are they coming to talk to you about the bathroom or disciplinary matters?  
  • If at any point a student is asked what their grade is for the quarter, does it match what the teacher thinks the grade is? How close?  
  • At the end of each quarter, how many kids are lawyering the process? Are there any surprising kids?  When students are engaging in straight transactional behavior, are they aware of it?   
  • Does the teacher know the student as well as the student thinks they do?  Can you immediately think of two to three stories to tell about each kid?   
  • Does the teacher know the student through their work or their behavior?  Both? Neither? 

Child of God

There’s another scene from this 1973 novel that I’ll type up tomorrow. Meanwhile:

You think people was meaner then they are now? the deputy said.

The old man was looking out at the flooded town. No, he said. I don’t. I think people are the same from the day Gad first made one.

McCarthy, Cormac. Child of God. New York: Random House, 1973.